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© Mulgas Adventures, Mulga Trees at Uluru

What is Mulga?

Australia’s most common tree, the Mulga tree.

Mulga trees range from 5 to over 12 metres high, and cover about 20% of Australia’s dry arid areas. They have a rounded shape with a grey-green colour. They produce small yellow flowers which are packed together as spikes.

Perfectly adapted to the Australian desert, with needle-like leaves that go straight up to catch the morning and evening light while avoiding the hot midday sun. In dry spells, Mulgas drop most of their leaves on the ground to produce an extra layer of mulch.

There are many species and varieties growing throughout Central Australia, and in places we travel through on Our Tours.

Mulga for Bush Tukka

Anangu roast and grind the seeds into an edible paste similar to peanut butter. They also eat the gum of the tree and its ‘apples’, which are actually galls caused by wasp larvae in the branch. The Mulga’s roots are home to another important food, witchetty grubs. Read more about Bush Tukka.

Mulga Traditional Uses

The hard wood of the Mulga tree is used to make tools such as boomerangs and digging sticks. The dense hard wood burns easily but slowly, making it the idea fuel for fires. Read more in Anangu Tools.

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