What is a Swag?

A Swag is a bedroll made of canvas with a mattress inside – almost like a flat tent. First wrap yourself inside your Sleeping Bag, then zip it all up for a cozy rest with a perfect view of the stars.

SWAG: a body bag for the living, a cocoon for exhausted hikers.


  • Make a pillow for yourself to get a good sleep, like perhaps a rolled up jumper.
  • Have your valuables in the Swag with you, so you don’t have to worry.
  • Keep your shoes close-by in case you need to visit the amenities during the night.


  • Having a thicker sleeping bag for your swag is the best way to keep warm.
  • Especially in colder months, good sleeping wear is not too thick, but just enough to keep you warm for a few moments when you hop out to find your jacket.

Why are Mulgas Swags Better than others?

Easy! Because we maintain our Swags better

It’s the little things that we do, that make every Tour so special. Like for example the way we look after our Swags;

  • Stored rolling them up just right (but not too tight!) so they are more cozy, with fluffier foam. Keeping the Canvas seems flat ensures they are impenetrable by the elements!
  • Regular professional cleaning, with routine checks to make sure every mattress is full and foamy just like new.
  • Maintained locally at each location (instead of tying them down on a trailer, and knocking them about all the way back to town!)
  • We keep only the best quality Swags, manufactured locally by Central Canvas, for the harsh Outback conditions of Central Australia.
© Mulgas Adventures, Swags better at Mulgas
Other Tour companies often have poorly maintained swags, which become much less comfortable to use.
© Mulgas Adventures, Mulgas Swags are better!
Mulgas take better care of swags. Learning how to properly use and care for a swag is all part of an authentic outback camping experience.
Gallery: Camping in a Swag