Ok we’ll be honest…

Mulgas has the BEST Tour Food!

What Food is served on Tour?

You’ll love the Tour Food we have available. Mulgas has a reputation for good wholesome tour food, full of protein, flavour and goodness.

What’s on the Menu?

Our menu options are the result of welcomed feedback from passengers, as well as many years of experience in the Outback. Of course we strictly adhere to the Food Standards Code of Australia and New Zealand.

We want to give you lots of energy for the activities on the Tour, and we want you to enjoy the taste of your meal as well as your experience at mealtime with your new friends.

We work to give you that authentic Aussie style to our cooked meals too! With Camel sausages, and Kangaroo steaks.

But is it REALLY good Tour Food?

The team at Mulgas proud of its reputation for the best meals, snacks and refreshments.

Like real cooked breakfasts and sliced fresh fruit after a sunny hike.

Plus we make sure there’s always plenty for everyone, so we never run out!

Food Handling and Service – best practices

Mulgas Adventures is primarily concerned with the safety and well-being of all passengers and guides, on all tours. Our meal planning follows the Australian Dietary Guidelines, and the principles laid out in the Guide to Healthy Eating.

5 Food Groups

  • vegetables, and legumes / beans
  • fruit
  • grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and / or high cereal fibre varieties
    (ie: breads, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles, polenta, couscous, oats, quinoa, barley)
  • lean meats, nuts and seeds
    (ie: poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes / beans)
  • milk yoghurt, cheese and / or dairy alternatives

Health eating habits

  • being physically active, gaining enough nutrition to meet your energy needs
  • take-in a variety of nutritious foods
  • drinking plenty of water, especially in desert conditions!
  • limiting intake of foods containing saturated fat, added salt and added sugars
    (ie: biscuits, cakes, processed meats, fried foods and crisps)
  • restricting the intake of alcohol
  • preparing and storing food safely

More reading

Australian Government page: Healthy Eating during Covid-19